Subhash Chandra Bose

Subash Chandra Bose also called Neta Ji was an Indian freedom fighter and political leader. He was born on January 23 !897, he flighted to end British’s rule under India. Bose was a leader of India’s Congress in the late 1920’s. He was going to be President of the congress in 1939 but Mahatma Gandhi beat him. Then the British placed him under house arrest. Soon he went to Germany and he set up the free India Radio that he broadcasted nightly. Soon Bose had a wife and children in Germany and wanted to move back to India. He was not able to do that, so he went on a submarine to Japan to get allies to break Indian prisoners out of Britain. Bose had great drive. Soon he had people chanting “Jai Hind” One day when he was on a plane, he died from 3rd degree burns. There was a conspiracy theory that NetaJi did not die from the plane crash and was living in Germany as a military leader or he was happily living on an island to the end of his days. Of course, these are false because the PM of Indi, Narendra Modi said it was false and in 2017 he signed to document to declassify all of Subash Chandra Bose’s files.

By: Yash Parikh

Some top-secret files that the PM had declassified

Subash Chandra Bose: